Salt spray test: Detecting the smallest gaps in the coating

Rust inevitably develops where there are weaknesses in the coating

The salt spray chamber is used to ensure that the smallest weak points in the coating of the metal are detected. Metal can rust, especially when gaps in the coating make this possible. With a corrosion test in our salt spray chambers, we offer you reproducible test results you can rely on.

It is important to know the following: We find the gaps quickly, but we cannot deduce how long it takes in real operation for them to lead to corrosion. For this reason, it is of great importance to know the weak points and to repair them directly. Typically, the test processes according to DIN EN IS 9227, method “NSS” run over 24 / 48 / 96 / 240 / 1000 hours. Cyclic tests are also possible.
Animierte Korrosionsprüfung in der Salzsprühnebeltest-Kammer

When is the best time for a salt spray test?

Such standardized corrosion testing can be useful at any stage of your product cycle. Already in the early development phase, a salt spray test helps to select the optimal coatings and materials.

The same applies to the testing of initial prototypes and the performance of the necessary qualification tests required in various industries, such as aviation, automotive, shipbuilding or the military.

Technical flexibility for every requirement

The salt spray test chambers allow the test parameters to be set individually and the composition of the spray solutions to be adapted to the respective requirements. This technical flexibility enables the performance of various national and international standard tests.

The test typically has the following key data:

  • Test type: Neutral salt spray test
  • Test solution: Sodium chloride solution 50±5 g/l
  • Purity of sodium chloride: 99.8 % Density of test solution: 1.029 to 1.036
  • pH value test solution 6.5 to 7.2
  • Conductivity of deionized feed water Max. 20µS/cm
  • Test temperature in °C 35±2
  • Sodium chloride solution collection rate 1.5±0.5 ml/h on 80 cm².
  • Corrosiveness of the chamber Mass loss: 70±20 g/m² with reference sheets
Einstellung an der Salzsprühnebelkammer

Testing Standards & Equipment:

  • DIN EN ISO 9227
  • MIL STD 810 (Salt Fog)
Erichsen Corrocompact 617

Testing capabilities:

  • Corrosion tests
  • Salt Fog Testing
  • Condensation tests
  • Condensation water tests
  • Climate change tests

Key data:

  • Test room (2.16 x 0.98 x 1.35 ) m
  • Test chamber volume: 2000 liters
  • Temperature up to + 70°C
  • Climatic range up to + 60°C / 100 % r.H.
    Tim Köhler

    Your contact

    Tim Köhler
    M. Eng.

    Head of Laboratory
    Shipping and Environmental Simulation

    040 / 5730 944 -31
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