Packaging research

Research project on corrugated board quality

Start 9 Packaging research 9 Corrugated board quality

Corrugated board is indispensable for transport packaging. Depending on the requirements and stresses, the packaging material corrugated board can have a wide variety of properties. However, packers and buyers currently cannot always clearly identify how efficient a shipping package made of corrugated board actually is.

With the help of BFSV Corrugated Board Research, important questions in this regard can be clarified in advance. You too can find out about the basic properties of corrugated board. Also read our comprehensive research reports on the creep and deformation behavior of corrugated paper webs.

Forschung zur Qualität von Wellpappe: Wellpappe im Langzeitstandversuch

Corrugated board in long-term creep test

Time behavior of corrugated board

Boxes made of corrugated board fail over time. Particularly on long overseas voyages, the packaging material corrugated board is exposed to special stresses. Read the BFSV report on the creep behavior of corrugated board here.

Research Reports:

Preliminary investigation of creep behavior
Boxes made of corrugated board fail over time. Especially on long overseas trips, the packaging material corrugated board is exposed to particular stresses.

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Research report AIF 14836 N
Quality standards for heavy-duty corrugated board

In the AIF 14836 research project, we have been working intensively on strength characteristics of corrugated board. The more precisely the performance of heavy-duty corrugated board packaging is determined and described, the better it is for users and manufacturers.

Depending on specific loads during transport, handling and storage, retailers and logistics can select and use the optimum corrugated board quality with the help of our results. In this way, goods are packaged safely and cost-effectively.

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Research report DLR 01FS10018
Creep behavior of heavy-duty corrugated board

The DLR research project No. 01FS10018 was concerned with testing standards for the creep behavior of heavy-duty corrugated board. Here the question was: how can the performance of boxes be determined in such a way that comparable values are available to users. In the process, we thoroughly tested wet-strength corrugated board from various manufacturers.

In this research project, we collaborated with the Papiertechnische Stiftung in Heidenau. The background was the creep behavior of corrugated board, meaning the slow change over time of cardboard packaging in worldwide container shipping. The aim was to develop a method with which the load- and climate-dependent deformation behavior of corrugated board and corrugated board packaging made from it can be calculated over a time range of several months up to box failure by means of special short-term tests on corrugated board samples and a material model based on continuum mechanics. This would allow corrugated board packaging to be designed more appropriately in terms of long-term behavior under real conditions, and the material savings would reduce costs and protect the environment. The research on this was part of a doctorate.

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IGF 18876 BG Publication FINAL
At last, the climate-induced deformation behavior of packaging can be calculated!

Viktoria Köstner has developed a continuum mechanics-based method to calculate the climate-induced creep behavior of corrugated packaging. The current research report 6/18 provides information on the long-term capability of these packages.

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Bernd Sadlowsky

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Bernd Sadlowsky 
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Chief Science Officer

040 / 5730 944 -21 

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