Research into corrosion protection
To prevent this corrosion during storage and transport, two methods have proven effective:
- a desiccant binds the water (desiccant method)
- on the metal surface molecules accumulate (Volatile Corrosion
Inhibitor), which inhibit corrosion processes (VCI method)

Corrosion protection test rig developed at BFSV
We have developed a computer-controlled test rig at the Institute for BFSV. Here, test sheets can undergo up to 15 different dewing cycles. For realistic testing, these sheets are provided, for example, with residues of deep-drawing oils or welding spots.
For specific tests, we also operate the test stand in a climate chamber. There, the environmental conditions can be adapted to a shipping method or route. This research work provides tailored results for VCI applications. In this way, BFSV’s R&D work lays the foundation for the targeted, safe and economical use of corrosion protection agents in practice.
Research Reports: What does our corrosion research do?
Research Report AIF 16045
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Short info AIF 12115
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Research Report AIF 14115
“The test facility developed has enabled more objective evaluations to be made regarding the efficacy of VCI products by providing a high degree of reproducibility of results, thus also enabling comparability.” […]
“The objectives formulated in the AIF project AIF No. 14115N, with the investigations carried out, their results and conclusions, are an important step towards a user-related and thus more practical testing of VCI materials with regard to their protective effect.”
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Research Report AIF 12595
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Your contact
Bernd Sadlowsky
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Chief Science Officer
040 / 5730 944 -21
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