
Seminar: legal requirements for food packaging

Start 9 Academy 9 Food packaging
Today’s ideal food packaging should be plastic-free and sustainable. New solutions are in demand. These must meet the same legal requirements as established products. This FSO training course deals with which laws and regulations must be observed and how they regulate the entire life cycle of food packaging.
Know and apply regulations for food packaging

For the consumer, a food product should be hygienically clean, fresh, convenient and distinctively packaged. At the same time, all laws and regulations for food packaging must be observed and complied with. Everyone who develops packaging materials for food, manufactures them, fills food products in them or distributes the finished products is caught up in this tension. A BFSV in-house training can also support you in this!

Frau im Supermarkt - Verpackungen schützen und kommunizieren
Protect and communicate packaging
Learning Objective:

Packaging food in a legally compliant manner

  • You will gain an overview of the regulations for food packaging in Germany and the EU
  • You will know which regulations apply to food contact materials
  • You will know the general requirements for food contact materials
  • You understand how and why substances are approved or banned for food packaging

Seminar content

  • General information on food packaging
  • Legislative requirements for food contact materials
  • Legislative requirements for the safety of food contact materials:
    • Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004
    • Food and Feed Code (LFGB)
    • Decree on consumer goods
  • Material-specific rules for good manufacturing practice: Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006
  • Approval practice of materials
  • Current issues on risk assessment of selected substances and materials
Icon für Methoden
Speaker presentation with participant interaction and discussion.
Icon für Nutzen
You will learn in this training

  • where there is a risk of substances passing from packaging to food,
  • what the risk assessment of individual substances and materials is and
  • which general legal requirements apply to packaging of food, cosmetics as well as tobacco products.
Icon für Teilnehmerkreis
Group of participants
This food seminar is aimed at developers and buyers of food packaging, specialists and managers from food production, contract fillers and food retailers, practitioners and specialists from the fields of quality assurance, product development and marketing.
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Your Speaker


Prof. Dr. med. vet. Katharina Riehn is a specialist veterinarian for food safety and meat hygiene, professor for food microbiology at HAW Hamburg and Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) in “Food Science”. During her work as a scientific assistant at food hygiene institutes she dealt with food safety issues.


There are currently no dates available for this seminar.

Please see our Seminar Registration and Cancellation Regulations

Dates 2025

Legal requirements for food packaging


Further seminar dates for 2025 will follow and will be published shortly.

Inhouse Training

We offer the seminar as an in-house training. For further information please contact us.


Inquire now

Tanja Baylan Seminare

Your Contact

Tanja Baylan


040 / 5730 944 -42

We find answers to your questions


We provide expertise, focus on packaging and find answers to your questions - authentically, honestly, competently and without digressing. So that we can answer your questions, test your products and expand your knowledge of packaging, send us your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
We look forward to your individual challenge!

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