Protection against rusting with clever VCI products

Does your VCI-infused packaging material have the necessary protective effect?

That a product should arrive at the recipient rust-free is at the top of the list of requirements for moisture-sensitive products and machines. The VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) active ingredient provides the desired result. Whether integrated in film or paper, it unfolds its effectiveness by evaporating from them into the packaging space. It then settles on the bare metal surfaces, thus preventing corrosion from occurring. We test the VCI protective effect and thus ensure that your export packaging is designed so that the products arrive rust-free at their destination.
Depending on the VCI content in the packaging, the climatic conditions and the outer packaging, the duration of effect varies between a few months and over two years. If, for example, a metal or aluminum foil is still attached to the outside, the protective atmosphere lasts for a very long time – in this case ideal for worldwide shipping. Of course, we also test this for transport packaging that is not intended for export. After all, even within Germany there are always changing climatic conditions, so a product doesn’t have to cross national borders at all.
VCI-Folien im Wechselklimatest

Exchange climate tests in our spacious climate chambers

  • Four walk-in climatic chambers with internal dimensions up to 6.0 x 4.0 x 2.5 m
  • Climate chambers with internal dimensions up to 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 m
We offer our change climate tests to all customers who use, purchase or distribute VCI products. The result of this can be that
  • consistent quality is assured.
  • purchasing specifications are created or adjusted.
  • quality problems are identified and assigned.
  • options for cost reduction are shown.

Standards: Corrosion protection

Testing of the anti-corrosive effect according to

  • TL 8135-0043 (VCI foil)
  • TL 8135-0002 (VCI paper)
  • DIN EN 60068-2-30 Alternating climate test with industrial packaging

    Our test procedures for corrosion protection are designed in such a way that

    • packaging,
    • packaging concepts,
    • corrosion protection concepts and the
    • process chain for the prevention of corrosion.
      be tested and inspected in a standardized manner.
    Udo Lüder

    Your contact

    Udo Lüder

    Head of Laboratory
    Packaging Material Testing

    040 / 5730 944 -32
    We find answers to your questions


    We provide expertise, focus on packaging and find answers to your questions - authentically, honestly, competently and without digressing. So that we can answer your questions, test your products and expand your knowledge of packaging, send us your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
    We look forward to your individual challenge!

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    Our accreditation & certifications
    Logo DAkkS Akkreditierung

    The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS)
    is the national accreditation authority
    of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Ista Zertifizierung
    ISTA certification helps minimise product damage and optimise resource use through effective packaging design.
    DIN CERTCO Anerkennung
    DIN CERTCO certifies and assesses the conformity of products and services on the basis of defined standards.
    The competence of our testing laboratories for packaging testing is officially recognised:

    » Accreditation & certifications