Worldwide recognized: ISTA testing programs

Reduction of transport losses through tested packaging


Start 9 Laboratory 9 ISTA test programs

Seventy years ago, the idea of reducing transport losses through tested packaging was born in the USA. Reproducible test procedures were developed, a lead organization was founded, and transport packaging was standardized for the first time. Since 1991, the International Safe Transit Association, or ISTA for short, has been responsible for this.

Their standards have long been in demand in Europe as well, because ISTA test procedures lead to convincing products, less failure and losses. Since 2010, the BFSV testing laboratories have held ISTA certification. This makes us one of the few facilities in German-speaking countries that are allowed to test packaging according to ISTA standards.

ISTA Laborzertifikat 2025

ISTA test method for packaged products


One of the most important test programs is the ISTA test procedures for packaged individual products and parcel shipping system shipments.

As an ISTA certified and accredited testing laboratory, we offer to perform the SIOC and Over-Boxing testing programs and thus support the certification of your packaging systems by Amazon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

ISTA 2a | ISTA 3a test programs

At BFSV, we test packaging according to ISTA 2a and ISTA 3a, among others. Both series include a standardized test program to determine the maximum load capacity of a package. For this purpose, packages are atmospherically preconditioned, subjected to a compression test and various vibration tests.

The ISTA 2a test program simulates transport loads, while the ISTA 3a series additionally imitates handling and storage loads in parcel shipping. The centerpiece here is the fall test with fixed heights and landmarks.

ISTA 6 packaging tests

The ISTA 6 series includes company-specific test programs. Amazon also certifies its retailers’ packaging systems on this basis. The goals include adequate protection against shipping stresses and the avoidance of additional repackaging by Amazon.

The next higher certification level “Frustration Free Packaging” (FFP)also requires that oversizing and costly, purely marketing-oriented packaging features be avoided.

Verpackungsprüfung: Stauchtest

SIOC test program

Amazon SIOC is a testing program for those products that are shipped in the manufacturer’s original packaging. These “Ships In Own Container” (SIOC) packages are transported to the end customer via the Amazon distribution network without additional outer packaging, and this original packaging must be correspondingly robust.

SIOC includes eight combinations of package types and shipping methods, as well as three classes each of packages with different dimensions and weights. There are also two separate test programs specifically for televisions and monitors.

Amazon Over-Boxing

Packaged items that cannot be shipped by Amazon to the end customer in their original packaging, for example, due to their small dimensions, must be tested using the Amazon Over-Boxing Test Program.

The same applies to consolidated orders in one package. For shipping, these packages are packed at Amazon or at the retailer with additional packaging material such as padding and, if necessary, other packages in an outer packaging (over box). The over-boxing program checks the quality of the original packaging. If this is correspondingly good, safe shipping in an additional over box is also guaranteed.


Your contacts

Karolina Behrens

Karolina Behrens

Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -27

Johanna Lipski

Johanna Lipski
M. Sc.

Deputy Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -26

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We are already looking forward to your very individual challenge!

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