Testing the quality and resistance of corrugated board
Corrugated board: a technical marvel!
- Strength tests on corrugated board to determine quality
- Collapse tests and edge crush resistance (ECT)
- Determination of load bearing capacity
- Influence of climatic loads on strength

You are a manufacturer of corrugated board? Great!
Companies that produce or want to use packaging for overseas transport can have any corrugated board quality tested by us. As an accredited testing institute, we test all the properties of the various corrugated board grades.
Depending on the shipping method, the corrugated board must have special functions. Knowing these is particularly important not only for packaging developers. Professional packers also need to have the right grade to hand, because the difference between packaging small parts and protecting industrial goods with corrugated board is enormous.
The corrugated board has to have special properties depending on the shipping method.
Compare EUPS Corrugated Quality

Testing Standards & Equipment
- Bursting strength according to DIN EN ISO 2759 / FEFCO 4 / ISO 2759
- Wet burst strength according to DIN ISO 3689 / ISO 3689
- Punching work according to DIN 53142-1 / FEFCO 5 / ISO 3036
- Edge crush resistance (ECT) according to DIN EN ISO 3037 / FEFCO 8 / ISO 3037
- Determination of flat crush resistance (FCT) according to DIN EN ISO 3035 / FEFCO 6
- Determination of the bending stiffness according to the beam method, 4-point method according to DIN 53121 / TAPPI T 836,
- Determination of the bending stiffness according to DIN 53121, 2-point method
- Determination of the mass per unit area according to DIN EN ISO 536
- Determination of the mass per unit area of the plies after separation according to DIN ISO 3039 / FEFCO 10
- Determination of the water absorption capacity (Cobb method) according to DIN EN ISO 535 / FEFCO 7
- Determination of the water resistance of the bond according to DIN 53133 / FEFCO 9
- Wet strength of the bond according to Tappi T 812 (ply separation)
- Testing according to DIN 55468-1 with grade classification
- Tensile test paper according to DIN EN ISO 1924-2
- Measuring range compression force: from 0 to 200 kN
- Size of compression plates: 2,00m x 1,50m
- Maximum spacing of compression plates: 2.00m
- Testing speed: 0.04 – 400mm/min
- accuracy class according to EN ISO 7500-1:1
- Test variants: continuous feed, constant or oscillating load
Push-through tester: Type Karl Frank GmbH – 53809
- Measurement of: Puncture work
- Measuring range: 0 – 48 J
Burst strength tester: Type Karl Frank GmbH – 18547
- Measurement of: Burst strength
- Measuring range: 0 – 10,000 kPa
Edge crush test fixture: for Zwick SMZ 020
- Measurement of: Edge crush resistance (ECT) and flat crush resistance (FCT)
- Measuring range: 0 – 20 kN
Bending stiffness test fixture: for Zwick SMZ 020
- Measurement of: Bending stiffness
Cobb test
- Determination of the water absorption of paper

Your contact
Udo Lüder
Head of Laboratory
Packaging Material Testing
We find answers to your questions
We provide expertise, focus on packaging and find answers to your questions - authentically, honestly, competently and without digressing. So that we can answer your questions, test your products and expand your knowledge of packaging, send us your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
We look forward to your individual challenge!

Our accreditation & certifications

The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS)
is the national accreditation authority
of the Federal Republic of Germany.
