Our contact persons at BFSV

Packaging is
our favorite topic

Start 9 About us 9 Team

Of course, we also talk about other important topics, yet we would like to introduce ourselves to you as what we are: Experts for sustainable, future-oriented and intuitively usable packaging.

We all come from different disciplines, yet we have a common goal: to research, test, train and talk about it.
Bernd Sadlowsky

Bernd Sadlowsky
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Chief Executive Officer

Alexander Barz

ppa. Alexander Barz
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Chief Financial Officer,
Operation Manager

Executive member of the board of BFSV e.V.

Tanja Baylan

Tanja Baylan

Office Manager

Karolina Behrens
Karolina Behrens

Head of Laboratory for Shipping and Environmental Simulation

Pharma & Medical

Johanna Lipski

Johanna Lipski

Deputy Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

Pharma & Medical

Udo Lüder
Udo Lüder

Head of Laboratory

Packaging Material Testing

Tim Köhler
Tim Köhler
M. Eng.

Head of Laboratory

Quality Management Representative

Norman Lesser - BFSV Team

Norman Lesser
M. Eng.

Research and Development

Marcella Waldner

Marcella Waldner

Research and Development