Tightness tests according to Bubble test ASTM F2096

Is your packaging keeping a tight seal? Bubbles indicate leakage


Holes in the packaging material, no matter how microscopic, promote the penetration of environmental influences such as dust, microorganisms or moisture into the packaging.
The bubble test according to ASTM F2096 serves as a cost-effective, fast standard test method to determine whether a package has leakages of at least 250 µm. A defined internal pressure is built up in the test specimen, which is then immersed in water. Leakages are clearly detected by a steady stream of bubbles.
Dichtigkeitsprüfung nach Bubbletest

Detect damage due to kinks in primary packaging


The creases and folds in primary packaging, i.e. packaging that is in direct contact with the product, are susceptible. If these points are also in unfavorable contact with the secondary packaging, for example a folding box or the sales unit, a hole can quickly appear at this point due to abrasion. The bubble test makes these design flaws in the packaging concept visible.

Testing Standards & Equipment

  • ASTM F2096: Method A and B
  • Two aquariums: the larger measures 1.70m x 0.70m x 0.60m (L x W x H)

Request a quote

In order to achieve a correct result, we need the following test sample description from you:

  • Statement of the type of sterile barrier
  • Single barrier/double barrier
  • Number of samples to be tested

For very large samples, the bubble test may not be feasible because the internal pressure to be built up could peel the seal seams under water. In that case, the feasibility must be checked in advance.

Your contacts

Karolina Behrens

Karolina Behrens

Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -27

Johanna Lipski

Johanna Lipski
M. Sc.

Deputy Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -26

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