Tightness tests according to Bubble test ASTM F2096
Is your packaging keeping a tight seal? Bubbles indicate leakage

Detect damage due to kinks in primary packaging
Testing Standards & Equipment
- ASTM F2096: Method A and B
- Two aquariums: the larger measures 1.70m x 0.70m x 0.60m (L x W x H)
Request a quote
In order to achieve a correct result, we need the following test sample description from you:
- Statement of the type of sterile barrier
- Single barrier/double barrier
- Number of samples to be tested
For very large samples, the bubble test may not be feasible because the internal pressure to be built up could peel the seal seams under water. In that case, the feasibility must be checked in advance.
Your contacts

Karolina Behrens
Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation
040 / 5730 944 -27

Johanna Lipski
M. Sc.
Deputy Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation
040 / 5730 944 -26
We find answers to your questions
We provide expertise, focus on packaging and find answers to your questions - authentically, honestly, competently and without digressing. So that we can answer your questions, test your products and expand your knowledge of packaging, send us your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
We look forward to your individual challenge!

Our accreditation & certifications

The German Accreditation Body (DAkkS)
is the national accreditation authority
of the Federal Republic of Germany.
