BFSV – easily explained

PRAXIS, RESEARCH, TEACHING: OUR perfect symbiosis.

We promote research so that products arrive in one piece, people are protected and the environment benefits.

Start 9 About us 9 BFSV easily explained

Our institute draws its strengths from the fact that it bundles them. The bundling is conditioned by three different areas: BFSV e.V., Verpackungsinstitut Hamburg and HAW, the University of Applied Sciences. The association, BFSV e.V., promotes research and thus strengthens medium-sized businesses. The Packaging Institute tests packaging, holds seminars and develops new packaging.

It gives students enrolled at HAW opportunities to apply what they have learned in theory in practice. HAW, in turn, benefits from the teaching provided by the institute’s staff.

Icon BFSV GmbH


Packaging is essential for us and our customers, students and seminar participants. Welcome to the BFSV Verpackungsinstitut Hamburg GmbH.

Icon BFSV e.V.


We are a non-profit association to which many well-known companies belong. As such, we are the sole shareholder of BFSV Verpackunginstitut Hamburg GmbH and our mission is to promote research in the field of packaging technology.

Icon HAW Hamburg


Practice-oriented teaching and a high standard of support – these are the hallmarks of the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Hamburg.

BFSV GmbH – Packaging Institute Hamburg:
Safe packaging for today and tomorrow

The most important thing for us: finding, offering, testing and, of course, talking about safe packaging for today and tomorrow. So that people who package products or manufacture packaging know what safe, sustainable and economical packaging must be like. Those who don’t know (yet), we train in our scientifically based and excitingly prepared seminars.

Our portfolio includes: Packaging testing, export packaging, stowage in containers, corrugated packaging, and heavy lift packaging and corrosion protection. Equipment testing and shipping simulations also take place. We provide reliable and comprehensible advice on packaging optimization and corrosion protection or act as damage assessors.

On this foundation, we have also built up special knowledge on the subject of “Packaging for sterile products” over the past few years. For some time now, we have been expanding our spectrum and opening up new fields of work in packaging technology for our customers, such as primary packaging for food and consumer goods, sales displays, identification systems and biodegradable, sustainable packaging. The secret of our long-term success is a close link between science and practice, which originates in our good relationship with HAW Hamburg.

Together with our project partners, we find outstanding solutions and always ask the all-important question:

Will the egg stay intact?

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Weitere Informationen

BFSV e.V. –
Packaging in focus since 1954

For many decades, we focused on export and transport packaging. This was quite natural, the roots of our association lie in the port of Hamburg. It was there, in 1954, that we began what we still do successfully today. In the meantime, we have expanded our sphere of activity and opened up new fields of work.

As a recognized research center, we carry out a wide range of packaging-related projects on behalf of industrial companies and associations. The profits of the Verpackungsinstitut Hamburg GmbH flow back to the association. With these funds, the association supports the Laboratory for Packaging Technology at HAW Hamburg.

The members of the BFSV e.V. elect the board of directors and the advisory board every two years. This is where recognized packaging experts get involved.
Among other things, they appoint the managing director and institute director.

Hafenbild - BFSV e.V. seit 1954

HAW – University of Applied Sciences

Practice-oriented teaching and a high standard of support – these are the hallmarks of the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Hamburg. Located at four sites, the four faculties offer over 70 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. Under the motto “Learn together. Experience knowledge. Achieve goals.”, HAW is also open to professionals. Those who want to further their professional development will find individual lectures, workshops, certificate courses and part-time study programs. At Campus Weiterbildung, interested parties can find all information and contacts on the topic of continuing education at HAW.

BFSV Packaging Experts at HAW.

In 1972, the Beratungs- und Forschungsstelle für seäßige Verpackung e.V. moved into the HAW Laboratory for Packaging Technology in Bergedorf. Since then there is a cooperation between the BFSV e.V. and the Faculty of Life Science. We make our laboratories and workrooms available to the faculty, and at the same time we offer students a direct interface to professional practice. In addition, the director of the institute is also a professor at the university. This is a tradition, because it ensures that research results are quickly applied in education. Everyone benefits from this.

Examples that make us proud and impressively show how diverse, true-to-life and imaginative the final theses can be:

Breakable egg packaging.

In her master’s thesis, Johanna Lipski looked for ways to make egg packaging safer. She invented a packaging solution that was then even reported on by NDR television in “Hamburg Journal.”

Degradability of plastic bags.

In their master’s thesis, Svea Fick and Kathrin Labusch investigated biodegradable plastics and took a particularly critical look at the so-called “bio-bags” that often end up in the compost.

Influence of packaging on the purchase decision for wine.

Does it taste good? The answer to this question does not depend solely on the taste of a food or drink. For her bachelor’s thesis, Karina Jaedicke used wine bottles as an example to investigate how packaging has a lasting influence on both the taste experience and the purchase decision.

You can contact us:

BFSV Verpackungsinstitut
Hamburg GmbH
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg

+49 40 5730 944-0
Mon. to Fri. from 8:00 - 16:00