Packaging Research

Research to prevent mold

Start 9 Packaging research 9 Mold prevention

Molds endanger products made of leather and packaging made of corrugated board. They grow under certain conditions during transport, handling and storage.

In a BFSV research project, we determined the spore load to be expected during production, processing and the logistics processes. In addition, we were able to show how the hazard potential can be monitored on the basis of qualitative and quantitative variables.

To this end, critical limit values and corresponding checkpoints were defined.

Forschung zur Vermeidung von Schimmel: Schimmelpilz Sporangien

Mold sporangia

Mold sporangia

In our research, we took a holistic view of all relevant processes at the manufacturer, tannery, forwarder and shipping company. We were able to develop a generally applicable prevention strategy that can be regarded as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Companies can integrate it into their quality assurance systems themselves and adapt it to changing boundary conditions as needed.

Research Report:

Research report 15210 BG
Mold prevention through process-specific risk analysis (HACCP) in the manufacture, storage and transport of leather packaging and corrugated board packaging

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Bernd Sadlowsky

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Bernd Sadlowsky 
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Chief Science Officer

040 / 5730 944 -21 

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