Testing method according to FINAT specifications for adhesive labels and tapes

Does the label stick securely? Could it also fall off on the way?

Labels provide information. To the parcel deliverer, which address he has to serve. To the customer, which product it is. It provides data, information, relevant notes and also tells, for example, when a product is past its best-before date.

But of course only if it sticks to the substrate. As soon as the adhesive strength decreases and the label peels off, all information is lost. The BFSV Packaging Institute offers tests that enable tests on the adhesive strength of self-adhesive labels and adhesive tape using the FINAT test procedures.


Label inspection is performed on original surfaces or standard glass plates

The target group for this test method are customers who use labels, purchase them or distribute them. This involves testing whether the adhesive strength of the label materials meets the previously specified requirements, or whether there is an alternative supplier who can offer more suitable label materials.

Tested are: Adhesive labels, adhesive tapes, self-adhesive labels and silicone coatings. Testing is done against standard glass plate or on the original surfaces.

The BFSV does not limit itself exclusively to testing adhesive strength; quality assurance is also considered scientifically: Are the label materials supplied in consistent quality or are inferior batches creeping in?

It should be a matter of course that your labels and adhesive tapes, whether developed in-house or purchased externally, meet your product requirements. We make sure that this is indeed the case.

The established FINAT test procedures performed by FSO are applied to provide customers with the following market-relevant results:

  • Quality assurance
  • Data for the creation of purchasing specifications
  • Identifying unspecified quality issues
  • Data for reducing costs incurred

The testing machine is a Zwick Universal tensile and compression machine.


We offer the following FINAT test methods

FINAT stands for the “Fédération Internationale des Fabricants et Transformateurs d’adhesifs et thermocollants sur papiers et autres support”, the international association of manufacturers and processors of self-adhesive products.
  • Finat FTM 1: Testing the adhesive force at an angle of 180° and a peel speed of 300 mm/min (material: adhesive material, test relevant for adhesive)
  • Finat FTM 2: Testing the adhesive force at an angle of 90° and a peel speed of 300 mm/min (material: adhesive material, test relevant for adhesive)
  • Finat FTM 3: Testing the release force at slow pull-off (material: adhesive bond, test relevant for release force)
  • Finat FTM 5: Resistance to elevated temperatures (material: adhesive bond, test relevant for aging)
  • Finat FTM 8: Shear strength on a standard surface (material: adhesive material, test relevant for adhesive)
  • Finat FTM 10: Test of silicone coatings (material: release paper, test relevant for release force)
Udo Lüder

Your contact

Udo Lüder

Head of Laboratory
Packaging Material Testing

040 / 5730 944 -32
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