Vibration test, random test, sine test

Barely noticeable, yet simulatable: vibration during transport


Vibrations are minimal impacts that affect a product. They naturally accompany any transport, as they are triggered by the moving means of transport. It is common knowledge that these shocks can affect the functionality or quality of products: Bubble formation in liquids or, quite the opposite: lack of carbon dioxide at the destination. Switches and release mechanisms can be damaged, free-hanging device components can even break off.

Surely you can still think of an individual possible damage for your product. For this reason, we test your packaging on our shaker with simulated vibrations, we really shake it: repeatable, accelerated and well documented. The LAB shaker can test up to 1.35 tons vertically, depending on the test program. The UD-Shaker is particularly suitable for environmental simulations: it offers both vertical and horizontal testing.

Animation der Vibrationsprüfung

Variety in the test lab: shock, random, sinusoidal testing

We offer our vibration tests in different variants: Shock, Random and Sinusoidal testing. The Random test method means that a noise function tests the sample over a given test intensity and frequency width.

Sine tests map harmonic oscillations and simulate the path from functional product to fatigue failure. If a single point is loaded over and over again, then it will fatigue, and may break. With sinusoidal testing, it is important to know that it does a lot of damage to products and packaging in the resonant range. When excited outside the resonance range, sinusoidal vibrations are many times less dangerous for products and packaging.

Strokes with different intensity – but the identical result

Which of these three test variants meets your requirements? We will advise you comprehensively, because: it is important that there is one result at the end of our test procedures. Namely, that your products, loading units and packaging arrive at their destination free of defects. And that even and despite the fact that they have been jolted along the way.

Versandsimulation: Schwingprüfanlage

Standards: Vibration testing

  • DIN ISO 9022-3: Optics and optical instruments – Environmental test methods, Part 3: Mechanical stress
  • DIN EN 60068-2-6: Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests; Test Fc: Vibrations, sinusoidal
  • DIN EN 60068-2-64: Environmental tests; Part 2: Test methods; Test Fh: Oscillations, broadband noise (digitally controlled) and guidance
  • DIN EN 60255-21-1: Electrical relays; Part 21: Vibration, shock, continuous shock, and earthquake tests; on measuring relays and protective devices; Main section 1: Vibration tests (sinusoidal)
  • DIN EN 60512-6-5: Electro-mechanical components for electronic equipment – Methods of measurement and test – Part 6: Dynamic mechanical stress test; Main section 5: Test 6e: Oscillations, noisy
  • DIN EN 61373: Railway applications – Equipment of railroad vehicles – Tests for oscillations and shocks
  • DIN EN ISO 2247: Packaging – Packages and loading units ready for shipment – Low fixed frequency vibration test
  • ASTM D4169-22: Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems

Your contacts

Karolina Behrens

Karolina Behrens

Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -27

Johanna Lipski

Johanna Lipski
M. Sc.

Deputy Head of Laboratory for Shipping Simulation

040 / 5730 944 -26

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Die Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS)
ist die nationale Akkreditierungs­behörde
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Ista Zertifizierung

Die ISTA-Zertifizierung hilft, Produktschäden
zu minimieren und Ressourcennutzung durch
effektives Verpackungsdesign zu optimieren.

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auf der Grundlage von festgelegten Normen.

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