Packaging Research

Research project on the sizing of short-lived wooden packaging

Start 9 Packaging research 9 Wooden packaging material

The research project was intended to develop a practical basis for the design of short-lived wooden packaging materials. Until now, there have been no guidelines and standards for the strength requirements of wooden packaging materials such as boxes and crates. In cases of damage, therefore, the regulations from the construction industry are always consulted. But these regulations lead to requirements that are generally considered to be too high for wooden packing materials. Oversized wooden packaging would be the consequence if the regulations from the building industry were to be met.

The typical product range of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was used for the research project.

The packaging experts from BFSV and the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (vTI) in Hamburg were able to determine the optimum dimensions and properties for load-bearing box elements such as longitudinal skids, lid support beams and vertical slats. For this purpose, they developed a calculation method that refers to the verification concept according to DIN EN 1995-1-1:2010-12 (Eurocode 5).

Forschung Holzpackmittel: Kanthölzer Durchbiegung messen

Squared timbers measure deflection

Squared Timber Deflection Measure

The investigations have produced gratifying results: the new verification concept alone means that up to 50% higher load-bearing resistances can be expected than the permissible stresses according to DIN 1052:1988-04. This means that the requirements for load-bearing box elements can be geared more closely to practical needs in the future.

Research Report:

Research Report AIF 16284
Joint final report on AiF research project no. 16284 N

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Bernd Sadlowsky

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Bernd Sadlowsky 
Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Chief Science Officer

040 / 5730 944 -21 

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