Testing standards for packaging testing
Aiding the test standards to a valid result
The test standards listed on this page are already very extensive, but not complete. For this reason, we invite you to contact us for further standards, should a variant important for you and your test material be missing.
Physical-technological test methods
ISO 2871985-07: Paper and board – Determination of moisture content by the heating cabinet method
ISO 1924-2 1994-12: Paper and board – Determination of properties under tensile loading – Part 2: Constant strain rate method
ISO 2234 2000-03: Packaging – Packages and loading units ready for shipment – Stacking tests under static load
ISO 2759 2001-11: Paperboard – Determination of burst strength
ISO 3036 1975-06: Paperboard – Determination of puncture resistance (resistance to perforation)
ISO 3037 2007-03: Corrugated board – Determination of edge crush resistance (method for unwaxed edges)
ISO 3689 1983-09: Paper and board – Determination of burst strength after immersion in water
ISO 120481994-10: Packaging – Packages ready for shipment – Compression and stacking test using compression testing machine
DIN ISO 3039 1993-07: Corrugated board – Determination of mass per unit area of layers after separation
DIN ISO 3689 1994-07: Paper and board – Determination of burst strength after immersion in water
DIN ISO 3781 1994-10: Tensile test – Determination of width-related breaking force after immersion in water
DIN EN ISO 52-1 1996-04: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties, Part 1: General principles
DIN EN ISO 527-2 1996-07: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties, Part 2: Test conditions for molding and extrusion compounds
DIN EN ISO 527-3 2003-07: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties, Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets
DIN EN ISO 527-4 1997-07: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties, Part 4: Test conditions for isotropic and anisotropic fiber-reinforced plastic composites
DIN EN ISO 527-5 1997-07: Plastics – Determination of tensile properties, Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fiber-reinforced plastic composites
DIN EN ISO 536 1996-08: Paper and board – Determination of basis weight
DIN EN ISO 1924-2 1995-04: Paper and board – Determination of properties under tensile loading, Part 2: Method using constant strain rate
DIN EN ISO 2759 2003-11: Paperboard – Determination of burst strength
DIN EN ISO 2234 2002-12: Packaging – Packages and loading units ready for shipment, stacking test under static load
DIN EN ISO 3037 2007-06: Corrugated board – Determination of edge crush resistance (method for unwaxed edges)
DIN EN ISO 12048 2001-04: Packaging, Packages ready for shipment, Compression and stacking test using a compression testing machine
DIN EN ISO 13934-1 1999-04: Textiles – Tensile properties of textile fabrics, Part 1: Determination of maximum tensile strength and maximum tensile elongation using the strip tensile test
DIN EN ISO 13934-2 1999-04: Textiles – Tensile properties of textile fabrics, Part 2: Determination of maximum tensile force by the grab tensile test
DIN EN ISO 15106-3 2005-05: Plastics – Films and sheet materials, Determination of water vapor transmission rate, Part 3: Electrolyte detection sensor method
DIN EN 770 1994-09: Bags for the transport of food for food aid, paper bags
DIN EN 20287 1994-09: Paper and board – Determination of moisture content, Heating cabinet method
DIN EN 20535 1994-09: Paper and board – Determination of water absorption capacity, Cobb method
DIN EN 22248 1993-02: Packaging, Packages ready for shipment – Vertical impact test (free fall)
DIN EN 23035 1994-09: Single face and single wall corrugated board – Determination of flat crush resistance
DIN 53121 1996-12: Testing of paper, board and cardboard – Determination of bending stiffness by the beam method
DIN 53122-1 2001-08: Testing of plastic films, elastomeric films, paper, board and other flat materials; Determination of water vapor permeability; Part 1: Gravimetric method
DIN 53133 2006-08: Testing of cardboard – Determination of the water resistance of the bonding of corrugated cardboard
DIN 53142-1 2004-12: Testing of cardboard – Puncture test, Part 1: Testing with the pendulum impact tester
DIN 53363 2003-10: Testing of plastic films – Tear propagation test on trapezoidal specimens with incision
DIN 53370 2006-11: Testing of plastic films – Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning
DIN 55429-2 1987-04: Packaging materials, cartons made of cardboard, solid board or corrugated board – Dimensions, limiting dimensions, testing of dimensions
DIN 55440-1 1991-11: Packaging test, compression test, constant feed rate test
DIN 55543-1 1986-02: Packaging test, test method for plastic bags, determination of film thickness
ASTM D1709-04 2004: Standard Test Methods for Impact Resistance of Plastic Film by the Free-Falling Dart Method
ASTM D642-00 2005: Standard Test Method for Determining Compressive Resistance of Shipping Containers, Components, and Unit Loads
ASTM D4577-05 2005: Standard Test Method for Compressive Resistance of a Container Under Constant Load
TAPPI T 459 om-03 2003-09: Surface Strength of Paper (Wax Pick Test)
FEFCO Test M. No. 2 (July 1985 edition): Determination of mass per unit area of corrugated board
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 3 (1985 edition): Determination of the thickness of corrugated board
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 4 (March 1997 edition): Determination of bursting strength of corrugated board
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 5 (July 1985 edition): Determination of the puncture resistance of corrugated board
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 6 (July 1985 issue): Determination of flat crush resistance of corrugated board
FEFCO Test Method. No. 7 (March 1997 edition): Determination of water absorption of corrugated board (Cobb test)
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 8 (March 1997 issue): Determination of edge crush resistance of corrugated board
FEFCO Test Method. No. 9 (July 1985 edition): Determination of water resistance of bonding of corrugated board by immersion in water
FEFCO-Prüfm. No. 10 (July 1985 edition): Determination of the mass per unit area of paper plies of corrugated board after separation
FEFCO Test Method. No. 50 (November 1994 edition): Determination of the crush resistance of corrugated boxes
- in each case in conjunction with:
DIN ISO 2859-1 2004-01: Acceptance sampling test based on the number of nonconforming units or defects (attribute test)
DIN EN ISO 186 2002-08: Paper and board – Sampling for determination of average quality
DIN EN ISO 2233 2001-11: Packaging – Packages ready for shipment; Climatic pre-treatment for testing
DIN EN 20187 1993-11: Paper, board and pulp – Standard climate for pre-treatment and testing and methods for monitoring climate and sample pre-treatment
DIN EN 25651 1993-11: Paper, board and pulp – Units of measurement to indicate properties
DIN 55446 1991-11: Packaging, packaging materials, packages and packages ready for shipment – Sampling for testing
DIN 55468 – 1 2004-08: Packaging materials, corrugated board, Part 1: Requirements, testing
DIN 55468 – 2 2004-08: Packaging materials, corrugated board, Part 2: Wet strength, requirements, testing
RAL – GZ 492 1995-06: Quality and test specifications for corrugated board
FEFCO Classification (1987 edition): Classification of the quality of processed corrugated board
FEFCO Test Mark. No. 1 (July 1984 edition): Sampling
ASTM D4332-01 2006: Standard Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, or Packaging Components for Testing
Shock and Vibration Testing
DIN ISO 9022-3 2000-09: Optics and optical instruments – Environmental test methods, Part 3: Mechanical stress
DIN EN 60068-2-6 1996-05: Environmental testing; Part 2: Testing; Test Fc: Vibration, sinusoidal
DIN EN 60068-2-27 1995-03: Environmental tests; part 2: tests; test Ea and guidance: Shock
IEC 60068-2-27 CDV: Environmental testing – Part 2-27: Tests; Test Ea and guidance: Shock”
DIN EN 60068-2-29 1995-03: Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests; Test Eb and guidance: Permanent shock
DIN EN 60068-2-31 1995-03: Environmental tests; Part 2: Tests; Test Ec: Tipping traps and overturning, primarily for equipment
DIN EN 60068-2-31 2007-02: Environmental effects, part 2-31: Test methods – Test Ec: Shocks due to rough handling, primarily for equipment
DIN EN 60068-2-32 1995-03: Environmental testing; Part 2: Testing; Test Ed: Free falling
DIN EN 60068-2-55 1995-03: Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests; Test Ee and Guidance: Bouncing
DIN EN 60068-2-64 1995-08: Environmental tests; Part 2: Test methods; Test Fh: Oscillations, broadband noise (digitally controlled) and guidance
DIN EN 60255-21-1 1996-05: Electrical relays; Part 21: Oscillation, shock, continuous shock, and earthquake tests; on measuring relays and protection devices; Main section 1: Oscillation tests (sinusoidal)
DIN EN 60255-21-2 1996-05: Electrical relays; Part 21: Oscillation, shock, continuous shock, and earthquake tests; on measuring relays and protection equipment; Main section 2: Shock and continuous shock tests
DIN EN 60512-6-5 2000-10: Electro-mechanical components for electronic equipment – Methods of measurement and test – Part 6: Dynamic mechanical stress test; Main clause 5: Test 6e: Oscillations, noisy
DIN EN 61300-2-9 1998-09: Fibre optic cables; connecting elements and passive components- Basic test and measurement methods – Part 2-9: Tests; Shock
DIN EN 50155 2004-01: Railway applications – Electronic equipment on railroad vehicles
DIN EN 50155 2006-10: Railway applications – Electronic equipment on railroad vehicles
DIN EN 60945 2003-07: Navigation and radio communication equipment and systems for marine use – General requirements – Test methods and required test results
DIN EN 14744 2006-01: Inland and maritime navigation vessels – Navigation lights
DIN EN 61373 1999-11: Railway applications – Equipment of railroad vehicles – Tests for oscillations and shocks
DIN IEC 61373 2007-03: Railway applications – Equipment of railroad vehicles – Tests for oscillations and shocks
DIN EN 1789 2003-08: Rescue service vehicles and their equipment – Ambulance vehicles (includes amendment A1:2003); clause 6.4.1 and 6.4.2
DIN EN 1789 2004-10: Rescue service vehicles and their equipment – Ambulance vehicles, section 6.4.1 and 6.4.2
DIN EN 2591-403 1998-10: Aerospace; Electrical and optical connectors; Test methods; Part 403: Sinusoidal and noise vibration
DIN EN ISO 2247 2002-12: Packaging – Packages and loading units ready for shipment – Low fixed frequency vibration test
DIN EN ISO 13355 2003-10: Packaging – Packages and unit loads ready for shipment – Vibration test with vertical noise excitation
ASTM D4169-05 2005: Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
ASTM D4728-06 2006: Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
ASTM D999-01 2001: Standard Methods for Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers
ASTM D5276-98 2004: Standard Test Method for Drop Test of Loaded Containers by Free Fall
MIL STD- 810 F 2000-01: Department of Defence (USA); Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
- Method 514.5: Vibration, Procedures I, II, IV
- Method 516.5: Shock, Procedures I to VI
- Method 519.5: Gunfire Vibration, Procedure IV
RTCA DO 160 E 2004-12: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
- Section 7.0: Operational Shocks and Crash Safety
- Section 8.0: Vibration
EUROCAE ED-14E 2005-03: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
- Section 7.0: Operational Shocks and Crash Safety
- Section 8.0: Vibration
DEF STAN 00-35 Part 3 Issue 4 2006-09: Ministry of Defence (UK); Environmental Handbook for Defence Materiel; Part 3 Environmental Test Methods
DEF STAN 81-41 Part 3 Issue 4 2000-06: Ministry of Defence (UK); Packaging of Defence Materiel; Part 3: Environmental Testing
GL VI-7-2 2004: Germanischer Lloyd; Building Regulations and Guidelines; VI – Supplementary Regulations and Guidelines; Part 7: Guidelines for the Performance of Type Tests; Chapter 2 Test Requirements for Electrical / Electronic Equipment and Systems. Test 9: Vibrations
DNV No. 2.4. 2006-04: Det Norske Veritas (NOR); Environmental Test Specification for Instrumentation and Automation Equipment. Procedure 3.6: Vibrations
Shock and Vibration Testing with Climatic Influence
DIN ISO 9022-13 2001-05: Optics and optical instruments – Environmental test methods – Part 13: Shock, continuous shock and free falling under dry heat or cold
DIN ISO 9022-15 2001-05: Optics and optical instruments – Environmental test methods – Part 15: Oscillations, noisy (broadband), digitally controlled, at dry heat or cold
DIN EN 60068-2-50 2000-08: Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests; Tests Z/AFc: Combined test; cold/oscillatory, sinusoidal for heat emitting and non-heat emitting test specimens
DIN EN 60068-2-51 2000-08: Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests; Tests Z/BFc: Combined test; Dry heat/vibration, sinusoidal for heat emitting and non-heat emitting test items
DIN IEC 60068-2-53 1986-10: Electrical engineering; Basic environmental test methods; Guide to combined tests Z/AFc: Cold/oscillating, sinusoidal and Z/BFc: Dry heat (oscillating, sinusoidal)
Climate tests
DIN EN 60068-2-1 1995-03: Environmental testing; Part 2: Testing; Test group A: Cold
DIN EN 60068-2-2 1994-08: Environmental testing; Part 2: Testing; Test group B: Dry heat.
DIN EN 60068-2-2/A2 1995-01: Environmental tests; Part 2: Tests; Test group B: Dry heat
DIN EN 60068-2-14 2000-08: Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests; Test N: Thermal cycling.
DIN EN 60068-2-17 1995-05: Environmental testing; Part 2: Tests; Test Q: Leak test
MIL STD- 810 F 2000-01: Department of Defence (USA); Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
- Method 501.4: High Temperature
- Method 502.4: Low Temperature
- Method 507.4: Humidity
RTCA DO 160 E 2004-12: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
- Section 5.0: Temperature Variation
- Section 6.0: Humidity
EUROCAE ED-14E 2005-03: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
- Section 5.0: Temperature Variation
- Section 6.0: Humidity
GL VI-7-2 2004: Germanischer Lloyd; Building Regulations and Guidelines; VI – Supplementary Regulations and Guidelines; Part 7: Guidelines for the Performance of Type Tests; Chapter 2 Test Requirements for Electrical / Electronic Equipment and Systems
- Test 5: Cold
- Test 6: Dry heat
- Test 7: Damp heat
- Test 8: Salt spray
DNV No. 2.4. 2006-04: Det Norske Veritas (NOR); Environmental Test Specification for Instrumentation and Automation Equipment
- Procedure 3.7: Dry Heat Test
- Procedure 3.8: Damp Heat Test
- Procedure 3.9: Cold Test
Corrosion testing
DIN ISO 9022-4 2003-01: Optics and optical instruments – Environmental test methods – Part 4: Salt spray
DIN EN 60068-2-11 2000-02: Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests; Test Ka: Salt spray
DIN EN 60068-2-52 1996-10: Environmental testing; Part 2: Test methods; Test Kb: Salt spray, cyclic (sodium chloride solution);
DIN EN ISO 9227 2006-10: Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres – Salt spray tests
MIL STD- 810 F 2000-01: Department of Defense (USA); Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests. Method 509.4: Salt Fog
RTCA DO 160 E 2004-12: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. Section 14.0: Salt Spray
EUROCAE ED-14E 2005-03: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. Section 14.0: Salt Spray
GL VI-7-2 2004: Germanischer Lloyd; Building Regulations and Guidelines; VI – Supplementary Regulations and Guidelines; Part 7: Guidelines for the Performance of Type Tests; Chapter 2 Test Requirements for Electrical / Electronic Equipment and Systems. Test 8: Salt spray
DNV No. 2.4. 2006-04: Det Norske Veritas (NOR); Environmental Test Specification for Instrumentation and Automation Equipment. Procedure 3.10: Salt Mist Test
- each in conjunction with:
DIN ISO 9022-1 1999-05: Optics and optical instruments; Environmental test methods; Part 1: Definitions, scope of testing
DIN EN 60068-1 1995-03: Environmental testing; Part 1: General and guidance
DIN EN 60068-2-47 2006-03: Environmental effects – Part 2-47: Test methods – Attachment of test specimens for vibration, impact and similar dynamic tests
DIN EN 60068-2-48 2000-09: Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests; Guidance on the use of IEC 60068 tests to replicate the effects of storage
DIN EN 60068-2-61 1993-10: Environmental testing; Part 2: Test methods; Test Z/ABDM: Sequence of climatic tests
DIN EN 60068-3-5 2002-12: Environmental testing – Part 3-5: Supporting documentation and guidance; Confirmation of performance of temperature test chambers
DIN EN 60068-3-6 2002-12: Environmental testing – Part 3-6: Supporting documentation and guidance; Confirmation of performance of temperature/climate test chambers
DIN EN 60068-3-7 2002-12: Environmental testing – Part 3-7: Supporting documentation and guidance; Guidance for measurements in temperature test chambers for tests A and B (with test material)
DIN EN 60721-1 1997-02: Classification of environmental conditions – Part 1: Preferred values for influence quantities
DIN EN 60721-3-4 1995-09: Classification of environmental conditions – Part 3: Classes of environmental influence quantities and their limit values – Main section 4: Stationary use, not weatherproof
DIN EN 60721-3-4/A1 1997-07: Classification of environmental conditions – Part 3: Classes of environmental parameters and their limits; Section 4: Stationary use, not weatherproof; Amendment A1
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is the national accreditation authority
of the Federal Republic of Germany.


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