Testing laboratory

packaging materials, packaging and packing aids

Start 9 Laboratory 9 Packaging materials, packaging and packaging aids
Equipment and products must be properly and safely packaged on their way from production to their destination. Which packaging solution is actually right for you?
A wide variety of aids ensure safe, correct and transportable packaging. And ensure that the packaged goods can arrive at their destination labeled without errors. In our accredited laboratories, we test, for example, your corrugated board, the absorption capacity of desiccant bags and, of course, the load-bearing capacity of your pallets. In the process, we simulate your shipping variant and document the results so that they are reproducible and traceable.
Depending on the requirements, we proceed with different testing equipment
and questions.

However, the expected result of our testing procedures is always to get an answer to the following items:

  • What aspects need to be considered for quality assurance?
  • Determining the data for creating purchasing specifications
  • Determining unspecified quality problems
  • Determining data for reducing costs incurred
Icon für Wellpappe
Corrugated board
Corrugated board is an all-rounder: if the quality and thickness are right.

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Icon für Trockenmittelbeutel
Desiccant bag
Desiccant bags are small, yet distinctly important for moisture absorption.

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Icon für Palettenprüfung
Pallet inspection
Pallets have to carry enormous loads. And this recurrently. We test the load-bearing capacity and resilience.

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Icon für Verschluss- und Drehmoment
A screw cap must be tight. But it must also be easy to open. How much force is needed?

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Icon für VCI-Folien
VCI films
Films infused with VCI protect your packages and products from the threat of corrosion.

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Icon für Finat-Testmethoden
FINAT label inspection
Label and label inspection: Only labels that adhere firmly and securely provide necessary information.

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Icon für Folien
Foil testing
Strong and flexible composite films complement the chosen packaging solution.

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Udo Lüder

Your contact

Udo Lüder

Head of Laboratory
Packaging Material Testing

040 / 5730 944 -32
We find answers to your questions


We provide expertise, focus on packaging and find answers to your questions - authentically, honestly, competently and without digressing. So that we can answer your questions, test your products and expand your knowledge of packaging, send us your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
We look forward to your individual challenge!

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